Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tracking My Thoughts Using the Affectiv Suite

I was most pleased with the Affectiv Suite in the EPOC control panel (click here for more technical details from Emotiv tech support), so I will briefly describe my experience in this post.

The excitement / calm signal commonly varied, whereas the engagement/disinterest and meditation signals were harder to change.

Preparing images for this blog post (typical for random task)

The engagement / disinterest signal seemed to require a sustained change in attention for an extended period of time, which was sometimes accompanied by a clear change in the excitement / calm signal (for example, see the slight long-term increase in the image below).

Watching Futurama:

I wasn't really able to see any clear peaks in the meditation signal but I could see a decrease in the engagement signal when trying to relax (for example, see the long-term change in the image below).

Listening to music with eyes closed

In short, I think the engagement / disinterest signature was the most accurate, the excitement / calm signature may be too sensitive, and the meditation signature may not be sensitive enough.

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