Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Notes from ICHG / ASHG 2011

Although it may be old news for anyone following the #ICHG2011 twitter feed, I figure there are still some people out there that might be interested in seeing my summary slides that I'll be presenting at a Bioinformatics Core group meeting to discuss what I learned at the conference (those slides are available here).

Generally speaking, I was very pleased with the number and variety of great speakers.  Plus, there were fun activities like a circus performance to open the conference and complementary poutine for lunch a couple days.  I kind of wish the conference was a day or two shorter and there were more activities / discussions to encourage networking among smaller groups of the attendees, but I think these are only minor concerns.

Overall, I would consider the conference to be a great success, and I am seriously considering attending next year in San Francisco!


  1. Hi David,

    I'd generally prefer to keep blog discussions in the comment thread. So, feel free to ask your question - maybe some else is thinking the same thing!


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