Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bioinformatics 101: Bioinformatics Journals

Here are some of the journals that I check on a weekly basis.  I would strongly recommend subscribing to the relevant RSS feeds (using something like Google Reader).

Bioinformatics / Computational Biology:


Other Journals:
  • Nature Methods and Nature Biotechnology - not specific for bioinformatics articles, but many important programs / protocols are published here
  • PLOS ONE - general subject journal, but it has some good bioinformatics articles
  • peerJ - similar to PLOS ONE, but utilizes a membership system (so, you pay by author instead of by article)
  • Nature, Science, PNAS, etc.
Tutorials / Blogs:

  • OpenHelix - tutorials for popular programs; some free, some require subscription
    • Open Helix Blog - this covers tutorials and FAQs for common bioinformatics tools. I mostly read it for the Friday SNPpets (collection of popular weekly twitter feeds)
  • Omixon Blog - Bioinformatics company that provides free tutorials for common tools
  • Core Genomics - "personal blog written by James Hadfield who runs a Genomics core facility Cambridge" - lots of interesting technical details about next-generation sequencing
  • MassGenomics - medical genomics blog by Dan Koboldt, a staff scientist at the Genome Institute at Washington University. Consistently great article reviewers.
  • Genomes Unzipped - popular blog run by several genomics researchers. I would argue that it was made popular by Daniel McArthur (who doesn't post there as often now), but there are still other contributors that keep the blog up to date.
  • Getting Genetics Done - a well-maintained blog written mostly by Stephen Turner (Bioinformatics Core director at University of Virginia). Focuses mostly on providing technical suggestions.
  • NIH Bioinformatics Support System - probably doesn't have a feed, but contains useful tutorials

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